Different types of dentures. Many of us have to deal with tooth loss as we get older, whether because of an injury or tooth decay. What can we do when this happens to us? Fortunately, the field of prosthodontics (false teeth) has come a long way, giving us plenty of options for filling those gaps back in. If there is one thing Dr. Wyatt knows, it is dentures. We offer complete or partial dentures that will give you your confidence back. Whether replacing teeth that have been lost due to trauma, decay, or gum disease, it’s a crucial decision to make because of how important your teeth are. They not only help with eating food but support the facial muscles and are critical for speech. Take a minute to learn more about dentures throughout history.
The first known dentures were made around 700 BC in northern Italy. These different types of dentures were made from human and animal teeth, and although a set of these dentures would deteriorate quickly, they remained the norm for two and a half millennia. However, the industrial revolution in the 1800s led to a massive increase in the amount of sugar people consumed, and this caused the demand for dentures to increase dramatically, along with a demand for higher quality!
It was around that time that people started trying new materials, such as ivory, which lasted much longer. In fact, hippo and elephant ivory are what George Washington’s dentures were really made of, not wood! Nowadays, false teeth are made of porcelain or acrylic resin, depending on the situation. These are much stronger and more durable materials.
Your individual situation will determine the type of the different types of dentures that would work best for you. Obviously someone who still has some of their natural teeth won’t use the same type as someone with no natural teeth left. So what are the different types of dentures Flower Mound Dental and Dr. William E. Wyatt Jr. DDS can provide to you?
Full dentures are a complete set of removable false teeth. They can be just the top teeth, just the bottom, or both. These may be made of porcelain, which imitates the look and feel of natural teeth, and they can last from 5-10 years.
Partial dentures are for people who still have some healthy natural teeth. The new teeth fill the gaps so the natural teeth don’t start to shift and cause new oral problems. They are often made of acrylic resin, which won’t wear down the natural teeth like porcelain will, but don’t last as long.
Fixed dentures, meaning non-removable dentures, come in a few different varieties. There are implants, which are surgically placed into the jaw bone and fuse over time to mimic the old root; bridges, which fill gaps by being cemented to the teeth on either side of the whole; and implant-supported dentures, which use implants as anchors for dentures.
At Flower Mound Dental: Dr. William E. Wyatt Jr. DDS, we can help deferment which type of dentures are right for you. Come visit our practice in the Town of Flower Mound, Texas in the Kroger Shopping Center on Cross Timbers Rd. and FM 2499 near Lifetime Fitness. Figuring out the ideal replacement teeth for you can be tricky, particularly if you’ve never needed them before, but that’s why you have us! Schedule a visit with us as soon as you can so we can talk about what type you need and set up a plan to get you on your way back to a bright, full smile!
Are you new to Flower Mound? Have you lived here in Flower Mound for many years? If you are looking for a new dentist in Flower Mound, either for the first time, or looking for a new dentist in Flower Mound, come and see Flower Mound Dental: Dr. William E. Wyatt Jr. DDS. We are a terrific dentist office in Flower Mound and can provide for all of your Flower Mound dentist needs.
Flower Mound Dental: William E. Wyatt Jr. DSS, is here to meet all of your dental needs by providing truly gentle, exceptional dentistry, whether you need a filling, cleaning, whitening, root canal, or any other dental service. Located in Flower Mound, in the Kroger Shopping Center, near Lifetime Fitness, our professional and friendly team will provide you and your entire family with a comfortable and superior dental experience that you won’t find anywhere else. We want you to be comfortable and we want you to bring us your questions and concerns. Our commitment to oral hygiene and your overall wellness results in personalized and comprehensive visits with you to ensure we meet all of your health needs. Dr. Wyatt is a leading professional in his field and takes special care with each person in a calm and inviting atmosphere that will make you feel right at home.
For more information visit www.flowermounddental.com or follow us on Twitter @FloMoDental.
When it comes to dental education, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone more knowledgeable than Dr. Wyatt. Dr. Wyatt is actively involved in many facets of continuing education, participating in dental conferences, symposia, and fellowships. In 1986, he received his Fellowship from the Academy of General Dentistry, which requires at least 500 hours of additional continuing education and the passage of a rigorous written exam. He has studied with some of the most respected dentists in the nation and the world. The Texas State Board of Dental Examiners requires 12 hours of continuing education every year to maintain licensure. Dr. Wyatt regularly averages at least 200 hours per year; 1600% more than he’s legally required to do. This affords him access to the latest technological advances in cosmetic, laser, and restorative dentistry.
Dr. Wyatt has held membership in the following prestigious organizations:
He is very active in his local community as a featured speaker in the chamber of commerce and other organizations, plus Dr. Wyatt is also a published author on Dentaltown. Follow Dr. Wyatt on Twitter @DrWilliamWyatt.
Dr. William E. Wyatt, Jr. started in dentistry at age 12, in his father’s dental office. His years of experience, expertise, and ability to provide the best outcome to patients utilizing the latest technological advances in cosmetic, laser, and restorative dentistry have earned him the respect and trust of patients.
Dr. Wyatt actively follows continuing education, participating in dental conferences, symposia, and fellowships. In 1986, he received his Fellowship from the Academy of General Dentistry, which requires at least 500 hours of additional continuing education and the passage of a rigorous written exam. The Texas State Board of Dental Examiners requires 12 hours of continuing education annually to maintain licensure. He regularly averages at least 200 hours per year. Dr. Wyatt is also a member of the American Dental Implant Association, American Dental Institute, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and Seattle Study Club Dental Business Academy. He is a featured speaker at the chamber of commerce and other organizations, and is a published author on Dentaltown. Dr. Wyatt is certified in the Bio Clear technique for restorative dentistry. He is one of less than a dozen providers that have this certification action in the entire DFW metroplex.