Overcome Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Dental Sleep Medicine
Sleep disorders can have a profound impact on your overall health. From snoring and sleep apnea to daytime fatigue, these conditions diminish your quality of life and pose severe health risks if left untreated. A dental sleep medicine dentist in Flower Mound, Texas, diagnoses and treats sleep-related disorders to improve sleep quality and health. With oral appliances, dental sleep medicine from Flower Mound Dental: Dr. William E. Wyatt, Jr offers an alternative to traditional treatments like CPAP therapy.
What is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?
OSA is one of the most common sleep disorders in children and adults. It occurs when the muscles in the throat, particularly the tongue and the soft palate, relax excessively during sleep. This relaxation leads to a temporary collapse of the airway, causing a partial or complete blockage. The restricted airflow causes repeated pauses in breathing throughout the night.
These interruptions can last a scary 10 seconds or more and happen dozens or even hundreds of times during sleep. Each time the airway is blocked, the brain detects oxygen deprivation and briefly awakens you up to reopen the airway, often without you realizing. This start-and-stop breathing cycle disrupts normal sleep patterns, leading to poor sleep quality and various health issues.
How do I know I have OSA?
Snoring is one of the most common symptoms of OSA. Snoring occurs when air vibrates past the relaxed tissues in the throat, creating a loud, harsh sound. Interestingly, not everyone with OSA snores. Some patients may have what’s known as silent apnea. In this case, the airway blockage is not significant enough to cause loud vibrations but still restricts airflow.
Besides snoring, the following symptoms also indicate the presence of OSA.
- Gasping for air when sleeping
- Morning headaches
- Daytime fatigue or sleepiness
- Frequent awakenings at night
- Irritability and mood changes
- Poor concentration during the day
- Waking up with a sore throat
OSA is a severe sleep disorder. When left untreated, it increases the risk of hypertension, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, and depression. If you suspect OSA, don’t delay treatment. Get evaluated by a healthcare professional to protect your long-term well-being.
How does dental sleep medicine treat sleep disorders?
Traditional treatment for OSA and chronic snoring has long relied on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy. This method involves wearing a mask connected to a machine that delivers a steady stream of pressurized air through a hose. The CPAP machine gently forces air into the upper airway, preventing it from collapsing during sleep. CPAPs work but can be uncomfortable for some, as the mask and hoses may feel restrictive.
Dental sleep medicine uses oral appliance therapy (OAT) to treat mild to moderate OSA. OAT uses a custom-designed oral device instead of masks strapped to your head. The sleep apnea device suppresses the tongue and repositions your lower jaw to support healthy sleeping breathing.
This mouth appliance fits snugly over your mouth to provide optimal sleeping comfort. Many patients also love oral appliances because they are noiseless, portable, and easy to use. They are also effective when worn as directed by the dentist.
Ready for dental sleep medicine?
Are you losing the battle to OSA or chronic snoring? Dental sleep medicine in Flower Mound, TX, can improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of systemic illnesses. To get started, call (972) 351-8555 to schedule an appointment with Dr. William Wyatt.